
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain


Dear All

I guess all of you have been contacted by KENES as ESRA educational activities organizer, and now you accepted to be speakers in the 2nd mono thematic  conference focus on chronic pain medicine and organized by ESRA in the Algarve (Portugal).

Your are highly recognized faculty in the chronic pain medicine field and really ESRA need not only your support in delivering the educational activities during the conference but also in promoting and wide spreading the message of this scientific event. In addition of its own important , it is an strategic point for the current launch of European Diploma of Pain medicine that will be held during the Annual ESRA meeting in Lugano September 2017.

With my personal gratitude for your contribution in this important ESRA endeavor , please consider the possibility of wide spreading the information I am attaching among your colleagues and contacts, but also the societies on which you have the opportunity for doing.

Best Regards

José De Andrés

ESRA President

ESRA Office I Avenue Florimont 4

1006 Lausanne I Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 510 56 10 | Fax: +41 22 510 56 13