
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain


The aim of the conference is to make the point on the diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic pain after 10 years of the pain school. For this reason, the conference has been programmed immediately before the 2018 EFIC Bergamo Pain School to give the opportunity to old attendants to refresh their knowledge and to the new ones to participate on both events.

As you will see the program casts the most influential researchers and opinion leaders in the field of neuropathic pain. In addition the program will also tackle the problem of the pain related disability with a session devoted to pain and rehabilitation.

I really hope that You as a National EFIC Councillor will help us in this seminal event disseminating the information and supporting the participation of specialists from Your Country.

Hoping to see you too at the Conference, please accept my best regards.


Roberto Casale, MD PhD

EFIC® Bergamo Pain School, Italy
Scientific Director, Habilita, Care & Research Rehabilitation Hospitals.
ESPRM Chair of Pain & Disability Committee
Habilita Hospitals & Research, Dept . Advanced Technology Rehabilitation & Pain Rehabilitation Unit
Via Bologna n. 1; 24040 Zingonia di Ciserano (Bg)
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