
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain


We can also offer a 25% discount on the normal registration fees to your chapter members if you promote group registration by your chapter. You would not need to pay anything. All you would need to do is contact your members and ask them if they would like to register via your chapter. We will provide a discount code for anyone who wishes to register in this way. We would ask you to contact us by Monday 26th October with a list of all interested members. We would contact them directly to arrange the payment. Only names provided to us by Monday 26th October would be valid. 

łączę wyrazy szacunku

Dr n. med. Magdalena Kocot-Kępska, EDPM
Prezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Badania Bólu
Członek Executive Board, European Pain Federation EFIC
Zakład Badania i Leczenia Bólu UJ CM Kraków