Dear Dr. Kocot-Kepska,
We are contacting you because you are because you are the President of the Polish Society for the Study of Pain. We were wondering if you would be willing to support us in our international study on the diagnosis of chronic pain in the new ICD-11.
As you surely know, the ICD-11 will come into effect internationally in January 2022. For the first time, it will include a new classification of chronic pain, which was developed by a working group of the IASP. The working group was chaired by Professor Treede (Heidelberg University) and Professor Rief (University of Marburg) and coordinated by Dr Barke and Dr Korwisi
In order to optimize the diagnostic process in practice, our working group has developed a decision tree (classification algorithm) to guide through the new criteria. (Korwisi et al., 2021 DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002208). We are now looking for experienced pain specialists to help evaluating this new algorithm.
To make the study both feasible and realistic, we have developed an online platform with virtual patients all of whom have chronic pain diagnoses. Participants are asked to interact with four virtual patients and subsequently assign the appropriate pain diagnoses. For two of the patients this process is guided by the algorithm, for two of the patients it is not. This allows us to compare the diagnostic process with and without the algorithm. Of course, all data will be
collected anonymously.
Your help with this important validation study would be greatly appreciated! Is there perhaps a central email list or a newsletter through which you could forward the information about our study to the members of the Polish Society for the Study of Pain? In addition, it would be a great help to us if you could publish the call for our study on the Polish Society for the Study of Pain's website and encourage participation.
For your convenience, please find attached an invitation letter for your members as well as a short paragraph about the study for publication on the website or the newsletter.Important facts in brief:
- Duration of the study: approx. 60 - 80 minutes (pausing the study
is possible) - Certificate of participation if desired
- As an independent university, we cannot offer monetary
compensation for participation; however, we will donate a tree for
each completed participation - Participation requirements: Good English language skills,
experience with chronic pain patients - Anonymous data collection
We would be very grateful for your support!
Principal Investigator:
Dr Antonia Barke, Consultant to the ICD-11 Task Force for the
Classification of Chronic Pain
Clinical and Biological Psychology, CU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
Eichstaett, Germany
Study Coordinator:
Ginea Hay, M. Sc
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Unit
Department of Psychology
Philipps University Marburg
Gutenbergstr. 18, 35032 Marburg, Germany