
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain



ELITE Program in TCM belongs to the MOST international training program, which is now in its 19th year and the primary aim is to share the development and achievement in science and technology in China with all over the world.
  • ELITE Program is developed from the training courses that organized by CACMS including the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd IATC-TCM in 2017, 2018 and 2019 attracted participants from different counties of Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
  • The on-site course is conducted in English and will be held in a very interactive manner. Participants will obtain a certificate from MOST if they complete the course and meet the requirements.
  • Besides on-site course, the program has continuous plan about clinical practice, research and education when participants back to their countries.
Goals and plan 
The goals of the program are to integrate the best of Chinese and Modern Medicine to improve health and wellness. Participants will extend the knowledge gained in the following way.
  • To update knowledge of TCM/integrative medicine (IM) by learning the most recent development and achievement of TCM/IM in clinical practice and research.
  • To have firsthand experience by visiting the best TCM/IM hospital/clinic, research institute, pharmaceutical & technology companies in China.
  • To link up with the TCM/IM doctors from China and all over the world.
  • To develop their own clinical, research or educational program.
The on-site course will be led by distinguished and experienced international and Chinese TCM/IM clinicians and researchers. It includes the following sections:
  • Lectures: To introduce the latest developments of TCM in clinical practice and research, share the experience of treating different disease including chronic and infectious diseases.
  • Visiting: To visit the best hospital/clinic, research institute, pharmaceutical & technology companies.
  • Symposium: We’ll hold an international symposium and invited the officers, experts and scholars of TCM/IM to discuss how to develop and spread of TCM/IM in a better way during the course. All participants will present a country report (vide post) to share development of TCM/IM in their country and their related work.
  • Workshops: Different workshops like TCM/IM diagnosis, Acupuncture, Tai-Chi, Daoyin (Qigong) will be held to help the participants experience TCM in depth and improve their owe health.
  • Group working: Participants will be divided into different groups. Each group will be expected to discuss and develop Method of Procedure (MOP) and complete their own clinical or research protocol by using the MOP in the end of the course.
Participants and Selection criteria 
This is a two-week full-time program for clinicians, TCM/IM doctors, health care practitioners and providers at all stages of their careers who practice TCM/IM. 
  • Participants must have a medical or related degree.
  • Participants must demonstrate a high level of English in speaking, reading and writing
  • Participants must submit the application form, related materials and MOST online application (vide post). Please notice that online interview will be done before scholarship granted.
  • Participants must be healthy and have a permission to participate from their working unit.
Participant Expectations
Full attention and attendance in this program will be required.
  • Participants are required to remain on-site for the full length and are expected to engage in preparation/discussion in the evenings.
  • Participants will present their country report, protocol individually and present MOP in group.
  • Participants will be required to plan and execute an TCM/IM project upon returning to their home institution and to present their project protocols at the end of the course.
  • Involvement with this program necessitates a commitment to continued communication with CACMS including participation in research surveys and online exchange of project progress and professional development.
  • Excellent participants will be invited to help us organize the next year program or be a lecturer.
MOST will offer limited scholarships covering the cost of accommodation and tuition. All the participants will pay their travel costs by themselves.
Early registration is encouraged, as space is limited, and programs often fill quickly.

Personal Details
  1. Name:

  2. University degree(s):

  3. Phone number(s):

  4. Email address:

  5. Date of birth:

  6. Current place of work:

  7. The title of current job:

  8.  Which previous TCM/traditional medicine or related courses have you attended (list the year sponsor and place):

  9. I agree that if I am selected, I will actively participate in the course. Write ‘X’ next to one:

    [ ] Yes, I agree

    [ ] No, I do not agre
  10. A Brief Introduction to your Employer or School (within 400 characters)

  11. A Brief Introduction to your Responsibilities and describe your interest and experience in integrative medicine (IM) (within 1000 characters):

  12. Explain why you would like to attend this course. What’s your goals for the course? How will the course benefit to your long-term career and your organization (within 500 words)?

  13. What’s your proposed project related to TCM/IM after the course? (within 500 words)
    We suggest you develop a TCM/IM project that relate to your clinical work, research or education which might be a basis for future cooperation of two units and will directly impact the TCM/IM in your unit and country.

  14. List any research publications or research presentations for which you have been an author (in any language). Note that you can still apply if you do not have any research experience.

  15. Letter of recommendation & support
    It is important that candidates have the support of their supervisors and institutions to attend the two-week long course. Please give us a recommendation & support letter of your supervisor with the name and email address of such an individual.
Signature:                           Time:
Please return the completed form, CV with photo, certificate of medical related degree diploma, and a report of development of TCM in your country (outline on next page) to Prof. Jing Zhao 
  • Email: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
  • Course website: Please check this website for the new version of application form( ).
  • MOST Online application website:
  • Healthcare situation in your country
    • General health status
    • Healthcare system
    • Status of Traditional medicine or integrative medicine
  • TCM in your country
    • History of TCM
    • Development of TCM
    • Status or limitations of TCM
    • Suggestions for future development
  • TCM and you
    • Your experience/plan of using TCM in clinical practice or research
    • Problems and difficulties
    • Your future plan
  • Notice:
    • The outline is open for any content besides above
    • We’ll select good ones to share with all participants during the course and published as a paper in China, and you’ll be the co-author.