
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain


Dear Magdalena Kocot-Kepska,

Thank you again for granting endorsement to Roma Pain Days 2023 by POLISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF PAIN.

I am writing to ask you to kindly collaborate to the success of Roma Pain Days 2023 by spreading the newsletters we have sent, and will send in the coming weeks, to all members of POLISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF PAIN.

In addition, all the news will also be published on our social media profiles, therefore I ask you to kindly share the Roma Pain Days 2023 posts on the social media profiles of POLISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF PAIN.

It is particularly important to spread the discounted rate for all members of POLISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF PAIN. You can find more information here.

I would also like to highlight the educational project of Paolo Procacci Foundation (PPF-EDU) which consists of a grant to young doctors who will receive a free registration in Roma Pain Days 2023.

I am sure that thanks to your collaboration Roma Pain Days 2023 will be a success!

See you soon in Roma!

Giustino Varrassi

Roma Pain Days 2023 Chairman