
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain


  • The European Commission has now published its Framework Programme 7 (FP7) 2013 health work programme: The submission for pain research projects is open until 2 October 2012. » Read more.
  • EU Parliament: On 26 June there took place the 9th Interest Group on Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases in the European Parliament with special focus on pain: "RMDs and Pain: Facts and Findings". » Read more.
  • SIP 2012 Supplement: Besides the English version, the German version of the 8-page summary of the symposium in Copenhagen is now available. » Read more.
  • SIP on LinkedIn: You would like to stay informed and get into discussion? Join the SIP group on LinkedIn

Register for the 7 February webinar, Critical Role of Social Aspects of Pain in Advancing Health Equity in Pain Care: Past, Present, and Future, hosted by IASP's SocSIG. This webinar will examine the role of social factors as determinants of whether people will experience - and how they express - pain in everyday and healthcare settings.

Next week on the 2nd March in the afternoon, EFIC will be hosting a Societal Impact of Pain event on cancer pain. The event will feature members of the European Parliament, as well as national officials from the governments of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. The event will look at the role of pain management in the European Commissions’ Beating Cancer Plan.

00:00 Introduction – Gene Hui, MPH, MBA

03:39 Welcome Remarks – Ka-Kit Hui, MD, FACP

06:58 Opening Keynote: Integrative Medicine's Role in Pain Management: A Global/European Perspective – Magdalena Kocot-Kepska, MD, PhD

43:05 Patient Testimonials

52:26 The UCLA Person-Centered Integrative East-West Approach to Patients with Chronic Pain and Other Disabling Symptoms – Ka-Kit Hui, MD · Walter Tsang, MD · Sungjin Kuon, DO · Mary Fok, MD

 It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the upcoming The Symposium on Clinical Pain Trials in Europe (SOPATE2017) which will take place 25-26 October 2017 in London, UK

Dr Chris Wells

Conference Chair

20 VIII 2017

to poradnie posiadające Certyfikat Polskiego Towarzystwa Badania Bólu

Ból przewlekły traci rolę ostrzegawczo-obronną, staje się niezależnym zespołem chorobowym i tym samym źródłem cierpienia, prowadzącym do obniżenia jakości życia. W leczeniu bólu przewlekłego należy poszukiwać zawsze możliwości leczenia przyczynowego. Choć nie zawsze jest to możliwe, podstawowym obowiązkiem lekarza wobec pacjenta jest uśmierzanie bólu i niesienie ulgi w cierpieniu.