Bringing the future to the present
The congresses of the European Pain Federation give access to leading lecturers and a scientific programme consisting of the latest evidence-based and best-practice-based medicine in all relevant disciplines in the field of pain management.
Informuję, że w kwietniu przyszłego roku zorganizowany będzie w Madrycie The 13th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) , na który zaprasza prof. Amos D. Korczyn, Israel.
Dr n. med. Magdalena Kocot-Kępska, EDPM
Sekretarz Polskiego Towarzystwa Badania Bólu
Członek Executive Board, European Pain Federation EFIC
Zakład Badania i Leczenia Bólu UJ CM Kraków
The 16th World Congress on Pain; 26 - 30 IX 2016, Yokohama, Japan
Scientific Program of the 16th World Congress on Pain
Dr n. med. Magdalena Kocot-Kępska
Sekretarz PTBB
Zakład Badania i Leczenia Bólu
UJ CM Kraków - 6 XII 2015
Message from the President
We have an exciting program and a first-class venue for the 17th World Congress on Pain, and I warmly invite you to attend. The Scientific Program Committee has assembled an outstanding lineup of plenary sessions, workshops, and Refresher Courses. I hope you will make plans today to come to Boston in September 2018.
The 1st International Congress on Spinal Pain, May 26-29 2015, Gwangju, Korea
Dr n. med. Magdalena Kocot-Kępska
Sekretarz PTBB
Zakład Badania i Leczenia Bólu
UJ CM Kraków - 27 X 2015