
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain


The Global Day Against Pain seeks to raise global awareness and recognize chronic pain as a disease, its treatment as a human right, and the universal need to help those suffering from pain find relief.

To commemorate the 2023 Global Day Against Pain, IASP will release a new Global Year video series on integrative pain care. This series explores the broader points of this cutting-edge topic before addressing the nuances of how a different perspective and approach to pain relief can benefit patients and research.


Register for the 25 October webinar ...

... Exploring the Evidence behind Physical Activity and Pain: Spanning Basic Science to Clinical Application by the Pain, Mind, and Movement SIG. This webinar will explore the current evidence on the benefits of regular physical activity and exercise in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain and specific recommendations on therapeutic exercise.

Postępy w diagnostyce i leczeniu bólu jamy ustnej i twarzy oraz zaburzeń czynnościowych narządu żucia.

Konferencja organizowana przez firmę Hager Polonia we współpracy z Polskim Towarzystwem Badania Bólu

Patronat medialny nad konferencją obejmuje czasopismo Dental and Medical Problems

Sponsorzy: Align Technology Poland