
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain


Walne Zebranie Polskiego Towarzystwa Badania Bólu, we wrześniu 2019, podjęło uchwałę o podniesieniu rocznej składki członkowskiej do wysokości 100 zł - począwszy od miesiąca stycznia 2020.


Zarząd Polskiego Towarzystwa Badania Bólu przyjął w dniu 24 stycznia stanowisko w sprawie refundacji leków stosowanych w leczeniu bólu u chorych w remisji choroby nowotworowej oraz w sprawie stosowania kannabinoidów u chorych z bólem przewlekłym. 

Submit your late-breaking poster abstract by 8 May and present your research to key stakeholders in the field of neuropathic pain; abstracts on all areas of neuropathic pain are eligible for consideration.


The 15 April deadline to submit a poster abstract for ISPP 2023 is only two weeks away. Submit a poster abstract to present your research to pediatric pain professionals and connect with key stakeholders in the field. Authors may also ask for their submission to be considered for a rapid communication paper.


The International Symposium on Pediatric Pain 2023
1 – 4 October 2023
Halifax, Canada

ISPP 2023 is the premier interdisciplinary conference on pain in infants, children, and adolescents, and attracts a global audience of pediatricians, anesthetists, clinicians, researchers, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and professionals and scholars from other disciplines.

The 15 April deadline to submit a poster abstract for ISPP 2023 is only a month away. Submit a poster abstract to present your research to pediatric pain professionals and connect with key stakeholders in the field. Authors may also ask for their submission to be considered for a rapid communication paper. Student poster submissions that are original and/or significant will be judged by the Scientific Program Committee for an award.