
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As you probably remember, the COVID pandemic was a partial obstacle to the success of the Roma Pain Days congress 2021. In fact, it was possible to have just 100 people in presence, but over 1.200 Colleagues were present on-line, especially from areas like the Middle-East and Balkans. This is the reason why the Paolo Procacci Foundation has decided to organize a new edition of the same educational event. 

Szanowni Państwo,

poniżej przekazuję zaproszenie od Prof. Giustino Varrassi .

Jako członkowie PTBB otrzymaliśmy zniżkę w opłacie konferencyjnej - informacje znajdziecie Państwo w linkach poniżej.

Claudia Sommer

Message from the SPC Chair

Claudia Sommer, Chair

IASP Scientific Program Committee

6 XII 2015

Informuję, że Secondary Headaches School odbędzie się we Warszawie, w dniach 28 - 30 maja 2020 roku. 

Participants interested in presenting a poster presentation at NeuPSIG 2017 are invited to submit their abstracts online. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee for inclusion in the first-class scientific program. Abstract submission deadline: January 10, 2017

Dr n. med. Magdalena Kocot-Kępska

Sekretarz PTBB

Zakład Badania i Leczenia Bólu

UJ CM Kraków - 22 XI 2016

msruasThe London Pain Forum and the Royal Society of Medicine Pain Section are delighted to be supporting the next hands-on ultrasound guided interventional pain live scanning and cadaveric workshop in Bangalore, India on 13-15 March 2020: Simplifying Interventional Pain Science.