
Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain

Polskie Towarzystwo Badania Bólu

Polish Association for the Study of Pain


Register for NuePSIG 2023 by the early bird deadline of 5 May and be entered to win one of two free full registrations. NeuPSIG 2023 is the premier meeting for the latest research and developments in understanding the mechanisms, assessment, prevention, and treatment of neuropathic pain.


Are you for or against?

"When in doubt, debate it out." This is what the #EFIC2023 Scientific Programme Committee thought when they came up with a new workshop format for this year's EFIC Congress - Pain in Europe XIII. The #EFIC2023 Debate Workshops are designed to facilitate discussion and debate on a topic for which there may be divergent views or where the novelty of the field invites hypothesis.

Sign up for the Virtual EFIC Pain Exams now

Are you looking to advance your knowledge in pain management? Then sign up now for the virtual sitting of the Examination for the European Diploma in Pain Medicine (EDPM) and the Examination for the European Diploma in Pain Physiotherapy (EDPP) on Friday 17th November 2023. Participants can take the examination anywhere in the world!

Dnia 30 marca weszło w życie Zarządzenie NR 57/2023/DSOZ Prezesa NFZ, w którym dopuszczono do rozliczania w ramach kontraktów nowej procedury: "wlew dożylny innej substancji leczniczej"

“A Practical Approach”

Register to attend the Pain Relief Foundation’s Liverpool Course on Clinical Management of Chronic Pain, 6-7 July in Liverpool, United Kingdom. This is an advanced practical and interactive course in […]